Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Painting Kitchens using Chalk Paint

You can utilize Annie Sloan's unmistakable fancy paint, Chalk Paint, on kitchen cabinets at least two layers of paint, then give it 2 or 3 layers of Annie Sloan Soft Wax to seal it. 

Delicate Wax is water repellent and powerful and makes a fair relationship to the paint. 

Chalk Paint should give character and enthusiasm rather than an eminently smooth "plastic"like other paints. Invigorate with a layer of soft wax now and yet again once its needed. I choose every 2*3 months. Wipe over with a wet fabric to wash. Utilizing a tough cleaner or grown-up male muscle is likewise for stubborn stains, however can take away some wax furthermore the space will need to be waxed again.

You should not have to sand or prime the piece before chalk painting, however in the areas where there is a lot of use like the silverware drawer it would be savvy and not a bad idea to prime.  In case you're painting onto an exceptionally shiny, smooth surface, we do use it on these surfaces as well. Any wood area or difficult surface that has a lot of use that you plan to chalk paint I would lightly sand and primer however , however the paint can adhere to even glass,  but if the surface is unattractive I would go ahead without either.  The less the shine of the surface the better the paint adheres.

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